The future of AWT


Level 49 Grand Master
Staff member
Hi all I posted this on the discord channel but realised I should post here for those that don't use discord.

The domain is up for renewal in February 2025 and as I don’t really play anymore I am considering shutting down the game at that point.
There are a number of factors involved in this
  1. I don’t really have the time to play
  2. The subs collected from other members does not cover costs so I have been covering the extra costs despite barely playing and this was after lowering the subs to encourage more players. Currently there are 3 paying subs, for a long time there were only 2, which only just covers half of the running costs per month so I have to eat at least half the costs of maintaining servers, domain etc. it might not seem like a lot but it adds up over a year.
  3. I don’t have the technical skills to maintain and fix bugs, nor do any updates and although ovairedterre has been a huge help I think they have their hands full with life in general and I can't abuse his time, which he has given for free.