

Level 75 Great ultimate master
Click on "visit city" (city stands here for the city you are in, in example if you are in Tokyo the button is labelled "visit Tokyo"), look at locations with the writing "Look for people here". Most, if not all cities have such locations, but if not then travel to the next city and look there.

Click on that location of your choice and you will have on the left side a button called "Look for people". It will cost you 1.5 GTH (GTH means "game time hours", they replenish usually with 4 GTH per real time hour automatically)) to click that button.

After you clicked it, you will get some portraits of people you see in the city. below the protraits you will find a (very) small description of their appearance. That helps you already to get a rough imagination of his/her face and shape. If they all are nothing for you, just click again (for another 1.5 GTH) to get a new set of portraits. There is no other limit how often to search, than the GTH you have.

When someone looks interesting to you then click the green button "start conversation".

After that a dialogue with that person opens, and here you have to convince him/her for a personal contract with you. I personally prefer direct asking, and have around 50 % luck with that ;), but try out yourself and find your method, i think there is more than one way.

When you convinced him/her, this person is added on to your contact list.

Sometimes some or all stats of that person will be already seeable, but mostly they are not. So it is usually a bit luck dependent if you get good people. But you can find out a lot by dating them.
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